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ACSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit association of computer security professionals who have a common goal of improving the understanding, theory, and practice of computer security. To this end, ACSA supports a number of activities, all of which serve the goal of improving the computer security field. We also remember colleagues who made significant contributions.


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ACSAC - Annual Computer Security Applications Conference

ACSAC brings together cutting edge researchers, with a broad cross-section of security professionals drawn from academia, industry, and government, gathered to present and discuss the latest security results and topics.

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NSPW - New Security Paradigms Workshop

NSPW is an invitation-only workshop for researchers focused on work that challenges the dominant approaches and perspectives in computer security. NSPW aims to foster paradigm shifts in information security.

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LASER - Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results

LASER focuses on learning from and improving cyber security experiment results. The workshop explores both positive and negative experimental results, the latter of which are not often published.

Past Activities

  • Layered Assurance Workshop (LAW)
  • SAC Technology Advocacy Committee (SAC-TAC)
  • Workshop on the Application of Engineering Principles to System Security Design (WAEPSSD)
  • Workshop on Information-Security-System Rating and Ranking (ISSRR)
  • Second International Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems
  • Workshop on Information Technology Assurance and Trustworthiness (WITAT)


The Scholarships for Women Studying Information Security (SWSIS) is a program initiated by ACSA in 2011 that grants up to $10,000 per scholarship to women studying for their Bachelors and Masters degrees in fields relating to information security. Over $880,000 has been granted to date. The scholarship program has received funding from ACSA, Bank of America, Netflix, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Symantec, SANS, the Charles Koch Institute, Luta Technologies, the Squires Foundation, and private donors.

As of Fall 2023, the program is taking a pause on future applications. There will be no applications accepted for the 2024-2025 school year. The website will be updated as new information becomes available.

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Daniel Faigin

The Aerospace Corporation
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Gabriela Ciocarlie
Vice President

The University of Texas at San Antonio

Ann Marmor-Squires
Co-Vice President

The Sq Group

David Balenson

USC Information Sciences Institute
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Harvey Rubinovitz

The MITRE Corporation

Steve Schwab

USC Information Sciences Institute
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Senior Fellows

Matt Bishop

University of California, Davis

Carrie Gates

Bank of America

Peter Mayer

University of Southern Denmark and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Sean Peisert

Berkeley Lab and UC Davis
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Roberto Perdisci

University of Georgia and Georgia Tech
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Cristina Serban

AT&T Security Research Center (Ret.)

Robert H'obbes' Zakon

Zakon Group LLC
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Martina Lindorfer

TU Wien

Former Fellows

Marshall Abrams • Dee Akers • Victoria Ashby • William Bisignani • Jeremy Epstein • Ron Gove • Steven J. Greenwald • Robert Kovach • Joel Levy • Louanna Notargiacomo • Charles Payne • Steve Rome • Ron Ross • Gary Smith • Frederick Tompkins • Mary Ellen Zurko